Have Questions? Find the Answers Here!

If you have any questions regarding the aesthetics of your smile, some of our procedures for general dentistry, endodontics, or your kid’s oral health, this page will have all of your answers. Scroll through some of the listed questions to find the specific answer to your question.

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  • How long does it take to bleach my teeth?

    Bleaching teeth takes one visit. Patients are generally in the chair for about one and a half hours. It takes about 15 minutes to set up the patient for the procedure and then four fifteen minute sessions in a row.

    Zoom Teeth Whitening
  • Is bleaching teeth painful?

    Bleaching teeth can cause sensitivity during the procedure and for twenty-four hours after the procedure. This happens to about fifty percent of the patients. We have people take whatever they would for a headache and that should do the trick! After the twenty-four hours the patient should be fine.

    Zoom Teeth Whitening
  • Do you have to repeat the procedure?

    We give our patients touch-up trays for touch ups. They patient should touch-up for fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen minutes in the evening one day every six months. This will maintain the original shade they have after they initial bleached their teeth. If a patient does the touch-ups they should never have to do the initial Zoom procedure again.

    Zoom Teeth Whitening
  • Do you see results right after the procedure?

    Yes, you will definitely see results immediately.

    Zoom Teeth Whitening
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